Woah!! Scrolling text!! Now it scrolls in the other direction?!?!a pixel gif of nyan cat, a grey cat with a poptart for a body, flying and leaving a trail of rainbows.

a green, semi-transparent rotating skull and crossbones. end ID.Welcome to HOLOGRAPHIC MONOGRAPHIC!a green, semi-transparent rotating skull and crossbones. end ID.

What's this about?

Welcome to my very own little chunk of the internet! Well, kind of. I'd say this site is sort of a... picnic blanket thrown carelessly on the endless fields of the internet. There´s little to nothing on it, but feel free to sit down. Maybe one day you'll spot me fixing up the corners of the blanket before disappearing from the cyberspace for weeks... again. Either way, enjoy your stay, however brief it might be, as you navigate the internet. And have fun!

this page is best viewed with a computer!

credits to sadgrl's layout builder!

here's some music for you, internet visitor!

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